About NGP Physiotherapy About NGP Physiotherapy

Health Science A New Dimension

Developing Professionals with modern approach

Advanced OT in Psychiatry

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The origin of occupational therapy rooted from mental health.The PG occupational therapists are educated to provide services that support mental and physical health and wellness, rehabilitation, habilitation, and recovery-oriented approaches for psychosocial issues.

Evaluating and adapting the environment at home, work, school, and other environments to promote an individual's optimal functioning. Providing educational programs, experiential learning, and treatment groups or training program to address assertiveness, self-awareness, interpersonal and social skills, stress management, and role development. occupational therapist also work with clients to develop leisure or vocational interests and pursuits. The speciality program also Facilitating the development of skills needed for independent living such as using community resources, managing one's home, managing time, managing medication, and being safe at home and in the community. Providing training in activities of daily living for mentally ill people basically from the bottom level of community . Conducting functional evaluations and ongoing monitoring for successful job placement for mentally abnormal persons . The PGs also has the licence to do evaluation and treatment for sensory processing deficits and disorders especially in child as well as adult psychiatry department .Individuals of all ages who are diagnosed with a mental illness can avail maximum benefit from the speciality occupational therapist .

Course Outline

First year

Second Year

Research methodology Clinical specialty Paper - I
Education Technology and Management in Occupational Therapy Practice Clinical specialty Paper – II
General Paper (Occupational Therapy) Dissertation