About NGP Physiotherapy About NGP Physiotherapy

Health Science A New Dimension

Developing Professionals with modern approach

Advanced OT in Paediatrics

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MOT Paediatrics students are also skilled to identify developmental delays in various conditions such as cerebral palsy, chromosomal anomalies, other neurological and orthopedic conditions causing developmental delays and treat them to be independent. They are well trained to evaluate and handle cognitive, psychological and social impairments as well as behavior problems.

The students are competent in conducting group therapy sessions for children for children with deficient social and communication skills.

Opportunity for students to master teaching, leadership skills, time management, administrative abilities are given which prepares them to pursue career as teachers, supervisors, and to start & lead a occupational therapy treatment units.

Students take up research projects As part of the course fulfillment. This enables them to develop an in-depth knowledge on research and update resent trends in occupational therapy treatment methods.

Course Outline

First year

Second Year

Research methodology Clinical specialty Paper - I
Education Technology and Management in Occupational Therapy Practice Clinical specialty Paper – II
General Paper (Occupational Therapy) Dissertation